a list compiled by Alex Kasman (College of Charleston)

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Invisibly Breathing (2019)
Eileen Merriman

Felix Catalan, a teenager whose autistic tendencies make him unpopular in school, becomes romantically involved with another student whose stutter similarly makes him an outcast.

Like many other anti-social characters in fiction, Felix likes math and sees it as a safe space:

(quoted from Invisibly Breathing)

A prime number is divisible only by itself and by one. If I were a prime number, I'd want to be a five. Five is also a Catalan number, which is another sequence of numbers that can be used to solve certain counting problems. Being a Catalan number is perfect, because I like the idea of being part of a solution, but also because that's my surname.

When I looked up ‘five' on the net, I learned it was also the first safe prime, the third Sophie Germain prime, and the third Mersenne prime exponent. If I said that out loud at school most people would call me a nerd or try to trip me up or something. But I like the way numbers can have secret superpowers.

If I were a five, I'd be shaped like a pentagon, with sharp, perfect edges and rules that can't be changed. A solid two-pronged base, with a pointy roof that reached for the sky. There'd be magic in my walls, safety in my angles.

I wish I were a five. I wish I wasn't the weirdest sixteen year-old guy in the universe.

More information about this work can be found at
(Note: This is just one work of mathematical fiction from the list. To see the entire list or to see more works of mathematical fiction, return to the Homepage.)

Works Similar to Invisibly Breathing
According to my `secret formula', the following works of mathematical fiction are similar to this one:
  1. The Code for Love and Heartbreak by Jillian Cantor
  2. The Quantum Weirdness of the Almost-Kiss by Amy Noelle Parks
  3. Twenty-seven Uses for Imaginary Numbers by Buzz Mauro
  4. The Infinite Pieces of Us by Rebekah Crane
  5. The Map of Tiny Perfect Things by Lev Grossman
  6. Proof Geometric Construction Can Solve All Love Affairs by Takahashi Manbou (lyricist) / Ane Manbou (illustrator)
  7. Imaginary Numbers by Seanan McGuire
  8. Time Travel for Love and Profit by Sarah Lariviere
  9. Nearly Gone by Elle Cosimano
  10. Principles of Emotion by Sara Read
Ratings for Invisibly Breathing:
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GenreRomance, Young Adult,
MotifAnti-social Mathematicians, Autism,

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Exciting News: The 1,600th entry was recently added to this database of mathematical fiction! Also, for those of you interested in non-fictional math books let me (shamelessly) plug the recent release of the second edition of my soliton theory textbook.

(Maintained by Alex Kasman, College of Charleston)