a list compiled by Alex Kasman (College of Charleston)

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Dichronauts (2017)
Greg Egan
(click on names to see more mathematical fiction by the same author)

The protagonist(s) in this story are symbiotic creatures who can only see in all directions when they work together because the laws of physics in their world have strange implications for the way that light can travel.

This novel is clearly a philosophical descendant of Flatland and very similar to Egan's recent Orthogonal Series which takes place in a universe whose spacetime metric is entirely positive (unlike ours in which one of the four components is negative).

The relevant mathematics here is that of hyperbolic geometry. In fact, the cover of the book shows a planet whose surface is a hyperboloid! Hence, this novel ought to be compared with Christopher Priest's Inverted World and Stephen Baxter's Pacific Mystery. Of course, being Greg Egan, he takes it much farther than either of those two authors.

Egan is known for writing "hard science fiction" in which plot and character development take a back seat to an exploration of the consequences of some unusual technology or physical laws. In their review, Publisher's Weekly wrote: "Impressively bizarre . . . Egan may have out-Eganed himself with this one."

More information about this work can be found at
(Note: This is just one work of mathematical fiction from the list. To see the entire list or to see more works of mathematical fiction, return to the Homepage.)

Works Similar to Dichronauts
According to my `secret formula', the following works of mathematical fiction are similar to this one:
  1. The Clockwork Rocket [Orthogonal Book One] by Greg Egan
  2. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott Abbott
  3. The Higher Mathematics by Martin C. Wodehouse
  4. The Pacific Mystery by Stephen Baxter
  5. The Inverted World by Christopher Priest
  6. The Arrows of Time [Orthogonal Book Three] by Greg Egan
  7. The Eternal Flame [Orthogonal Book Two] by Greg Egan
  8. Incandescence by Greg Egan
  9. Dark Integers by Greg Egan
  10. 3-adica by Greg Egan
Ratings for Dichronauts:
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GenreScience Fiction,
TopicGeometry/Topology/Trigonometry, Mathematical Physics,

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Exciting News: The 1,600th entry was recently added to this database of mathematical fiction! Also, for those of you interested in non-fictional math books let me (shamelessly) plug the recent release of the second edition of my soliton theory textbook.

(Maintained by Alex Kasman, College of Charleston)